New features, great location make for greater turnout expected in 2013!
Iowa’s Latino Heritage Festival has been one of the states’ most widely attended cultural events for the past 11 years, and 2013 will be no exception. Every year, the festival attracts people who want Iowans to experience the rich and varied Latin-American cultures and traditions. This year the event will return to its original location on the downtown bridges in Des Moines, Iowa on September 7th and 8th.
“We expect a greater turnout at this year’s Latino Heritage Festival,” says festival coordinator, JoAnn Mackey. ”Because the downtown location, the exposure for vendors wanting to reach a diverse audience is greater than ever”. The festival has attracted between 15,000 to over 25,000 people in the past, and expects to top these numbers.
We encourage vendors to participate in the event as it is a great opportunity to outreach to a virtually untapped market. We are also seeking cultural booth exhibits for the event. We are looking for uniqueness and creativity to visually show the rich culture of Latin countries to include; Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Spain, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
The festival has something for everyone with inflatable rides for the little ones, music, food and a host of family activities, educational components for the whole family. Along with the new location, new features include new bands, free parking, and live festival streaming via YouTube.

For more information about Iowa’s Latino Heritage Festival, and for vendor application visit the website at
Iowa’s 9th Annual Latino Heritage Festival will be held the weekend of September 17th and 18th on the downtown bridges. The event includes a rich variety of traditional food, authentic arts and crafts, and cultural exhibits featuring educational activities for all ages, and hours of live entertainment. The festival is only $1 for children 12 and under, $5 for everyone older than 12.
Follow Iowa’s Latino Heritage Festival on Facebook: or via it’s blog at:
Meet the people who make the festival possible, and get sneak peeks of this year’s features on Iowa’s Latino Heritage Festival’s YouTube Channel: